How to make money online.
This blog is aimed to give visitors sincere comments and advice on the best, from rising to time tested, online moneymaking opportunities: PTC, MLM, paid searching, paid social networking, e-commerce, etc. Readers are welcome to post their comments in it or sign up at any of the programs by clicking on the links or banners provided here. They should be able to find here a short way, if not to riches quickly, then surely to a decent standard of real life in the rapidly growing virtual economy.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Thursday, December 19, 2013
How to Earn Real Money with PTC?
It’s very easy to earn from PTC websites. As your first movel, you have to signup yourself to these PTC programs. In order to sign up, just click on the banners listed on that page and complete the signup process. Once you complete the signup, you are ready to earn but you should remember one thing that you should be an active clicker; only then can you make a good monthly income from these sites. Usually they will provide 4-10 advertisement per day, with some of them even offering as many as 100 ads per day, you have to simply click on a link and view a website for 30, 20, 10 or just 5 seconds to get paid for that advertisement. The usual pay rate for per visit is between $0.001 and $0.01. This is not the end of what you can earn with PTC sites as you can also earn half of that amount out of your referral clicks. So the more referrals you have in your downline, the more cash you will earn. Referrals are those persons whom you have referred or purchased from the site to join your program.
How about earning CASH even without any investment?
Is it possible to make money cost free? In most real life situations, the answer is no. In order to get, you have to give first. Does this basic fact of life rule out any possibility at all to earn money for those who are broke at the moment? Or perhaps just too uneasy to put their hard earned cash in something that they do not know much about, even if the program they have in mind is fully legit, like the Best PTC programs listed on this blog? The answer is a resounding: NO, and there are many ways to achieve this goal. Read this blog and follow the advice found in it You may consider the information as your free and failproof blueprint for success.
Here is the Solution Number One.
It’s very easy to earn from PTC websites. As your first movel, you have to signup yourself to these PTC programs. In order to sign up, just click on the banners listed on that page and complete the signup process. Once you complete the signup, you are ready to earn but you should remember one thing that you should be an active clicker; only then can you make a good monthly income from these sites. Usually they will provide 4-10 advertisement per day, with some of them even offering as many as 100 ads per day, you have to simply click on a link and view a website for 30, 20, 10 or just 5 seconds to get paid for that advertisement. The usual pay rate for per visit is between $0.001 and $0.01. This is not the end of what you can earn with PTC sites as you can also earn half of that amount out of your referral clicks. So the more referrals you have in your downline, the more cash you will earn. Referrals are those persons whom you have referred or purchased from the site to join your program.
How about earning CASH even without any investment?
Is it possible to make money cost free? In most real life situations, the answer is no. In order to get, you have to give first. Does this basic fact of life rule out any possibility at all to earn money for those who are broke at the moment? Or perhaps just too uneasy to put their hard earned cash in something that they do not know much about, even if the program they have in mind is fully legit, like the Best PTC programs listed on this blog? The answer is a resounding: NO, and there are many ways to achieve this goal. Read this blog and follow the advice found in it You may consider the information as your free and failproof blueprint for success.
Here is the Solution Number One.
In PTC programs, once registered, all you need to do is basically visit a PTC site and click the advertisement links you will find there. You get paid for every click you’ve made. You should read before clicking because some sites provide cheat links. Your balance will be reset to zero when you click these cheat links. Also, if you think you could make money without clicking, like using a bot, or do anything forbidden in the Terms of Service, I advise you against such attempts because the penalty can be irrevocably losing your account with all earnings or investment already made.
As an earning example, if a site pays $.01 per click and $.005 per referral click, and you click 5 ads per day, you earn $.05 per day per site. You do not have to create multiple accounts because this is useless. You just have to get more referrals to have more clicks for you or sign up to other best paying PTC sites. Opening multiple accounts per site per person is considered as cheating and your account and earnings will be deleted.
Below is an estimate of your potential earnings is shown below. It is assumed that you have 100 referrals which is easy to get. But all of them won't be active so lets take 50 as active ones.
your own click earnings: 5 ads x $.01 = $ 0.05 / day
your referrals' click earnings: 50 x 5 ads x $.005 = $1.25 / day
your total earnings per day per site = $ 1.30
your monthly earnings per site = 30 x $ 1.30 = $39
Note: In most Bux type PTCs you have to make a minimum number of clicks to earn from your refs' clicking the next day, so be sure to come back regularly and do your little job for
More facts about Paid-to-Click programs
It is only in the PTC industry that you can find referrals for sale or rent and they are usually very cheap. Most PTC sites today offer conversion of your balance into referrals. So, with zero out of the pocket initial capital, you still can achieve very realistic earnings of $400 a month. This is an excellent Work at Home Program and earn money decently. You can also advertise your products in PTC sites. Among the Get Paid To programs, PTC programs are the probably simplest and easiest to earn from.
Although this estimate reflects your potential earnings, maybe more or maybe less, it is not a guarantee because referrals are people. You cannot forcibly command them to click the ads every day. But if the PTC site is managed by a responsible, honest, creative and generous admin, all members will be enticed to be active every day. They also enjoy reading ads as they earn.
Last but not least, if you can add some money to a PTC program, like to buy an upgrade, referrals or advertisements, or whatever else the programs has of value in store, you will see that the speed of recovery from your seed investment and your earning power will start to soar immediately. There is no threshold or time limit actually to what you can earn from such a program. Get yourself a membership in the websites listed HERE and make them a primary or secondary source of income.
As an earning example, if a site pays $.01 per click and $.005 per referral click, and you click 5 ads per day, you earn $.05 per day per site. You do not have to create multiple accounts because this is useless. You just have to get more referrals to have more clicks for you or sign up to other best paying PTC sites. Opening multiple accounts per site per person is considered as cheating and your account and earnings will be deleted.
Below is an estimate of your potential earnings is shown below. It is assumed that you have 100 referrals which is easy to get. But all of them won't be active so lets take 50 as active ones.
your own click earnings: 5 ads x $.01 = $ 0.05 / day
your referrals' click earnings: 50 x 5 ads x $.005 = $1.25 / day
your total earnings per day per site = $ 1.30
your monthly earnings per site = 30 x $ 1.30 = $39
Note: In most Bux type PTCs you have to make a minimum number of clicks to earn from your refs' clicking the next day, so be sure to come back regularly and do your little job for
More facts about Paid-to-Click programs
It is only in the PTC industry that you can find referrals for sale or rent and they are usually very cheap. Most PTC sites today offer conversion of your balance into referrals. So, with zero out of the pocket initial capital, you still can achieve very realistic earnings of $400 a month. This is an excellent Work at Home Program and earn money decently. You can also advertise your products in PTC sites. Among the Get Paid To programs, PTC programs are the probably simplest and easiest to earn from.
Although this estimate reflects your potential earnings, maybe more or maybe less, it is not a guarantee because referrals are people. You cannot forcibly command them to click the ads every day. But if the PTC site is managed by a responsible, honest, creative and generous admin, all members will be enticed to be active every day. They also enjoy reading ads as they earn.
Last but not least, if you can add some money to a PTC program, like to buy an upgrade, referrals or advertisements, or whatever else the programs has of value in store, you will see that the speed of recovery from your seed investment and your earning power will start to soar immediately. There is no threshold or time limit actually to what you can earn from such a program. Get yourself a membership in the websites listed HERE and make them a primary or secondary source of income.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
How to reach Internet audience
In the online marketing world, exposure is the name of the game. The truth is you will never ever make a penny, not even mentioning higher levels of earning, on your fabulous business through this channel if nobody can see your website. You won't sell anything if your shining store fails to attract visitors. Nobody will hear about you, less about your line of business, if you don't establish your presence in the online space and have throngs of people to interact with.
So much said, let's cut off all this negativity as, luckily, there are so many ways to deal with this issue and build one's position on the Internet, literally beyond imagination. There are umpteen many different ways to attract hungry people who want to hang out with, talk to you, play with you and, ultimately, do serious business with you.
To reach online audience, you need to be active on the Internet. Although you can always use a variety of traditional, real world, methods, like: word of mouth, newspaper ads, outdoor banners, flyers, brochures, events, and so on and so forth, the fastest, the cheapest, the most manageable, the most effective, the most versatile and, probably, the most rewarding way to gain publicity is the one that has the interactive element in it. Which is online marketing, of course.
As it happens, it is online advertising that provides the interactive marketing tools that have all the aforementioned characteristics and there are a number of different types and platforms worth mentioning here. In the next few articles, I will present some inexpensive, yet very forceful, sources of online traffic which will put your website, business, cause or just yourself, right in the focus of attention, right when and where you need it.

In the online marketing world, exposure is the name of the game. The truth is you will never ever make a penny, not even mentioning higher levels of earning, on your fabulous business through this channel if nobody can see your website. You won't sell anything if your shining store fails to attract visitors. Nobody will hear about you, less about your line of business, if you don't establish your presence in the online space and have throngs of people to interact with.
So much said, let's cut off all this negativity as, luckily, there are so many ways to deal with this issue and build one's position on the Internet, literally beyond imagination. There are umpteen many different ways to attract hungry people who want to hang out with, talk to you, play with you and, ultimately, do serious business with you.
To reach online audience, you need to be active on the Internet. Although you can always use a variety of traditional, real world, methods, like: word of mouth, newspaper ads, outdoor banners, flyers, brochures, events, and so on and so forth, the fastest, the cheapest, the most manageable, the most effective, the most versatile and, probably, the most rewarding way to gain publicity is the one that has the interactive element in it. Which is online marketing, of course.
As it happens, it is online advertising that provides the interactive marketing tools that have all the aforementioned characteristics and there are a number of different types and platforms worth mentioning here. In the next few articles, I will present some inexpensive, yet very forceful, sources of online traffic which will put your website, business, cause or just yourself, right in the focus of attention, right when and where you need it.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
How to profit regularly from Paid-To-Click programs
Paid-To-Click or PTC programs are seemingly the easiest ways to make real money from what other people have already paid for: clickable ads that come in the form of links and banners with a prior set reward on each ad. There are many variations of PTC programs, depending on ways of earning additional income, but what lies at the bottom is voluntary clicking ads which others have purchased from a given site owner(s) for your viewing.
This means that the program is earning money for everyone involved:
1. the owner who has the money to fund the website development, maintenance and hosting, and if not to enjoy having a lucrative business, at least earn a very decent living;
2. the advertiser who gets what he needs, i.e. basically the online exposure for his own business lines and, finally,
3. the user who clicks the ads, finds them interesting or not, and gets paid for viewing them.
What the user can receive for seeing an ad is a compromise between:
1. money which the advertiser has to pay for what he expect to get,
2. the site owner's costs and expectations to earn while keeping the site sustainable in time, and
3. the users' acceptance of the earning level per click and their expectations of how much they will earn from the program vs. the time and money investments that they are willing to put in.
Apart from mere clicking for cash, there are many PTC sites providing additional ways of earning money like signup offers, tasks, games of chance, videos, profit shares, surf-bars and so on.
Most of the PTC programs offer ways of multiplying the cash earned on ad clicking. Some of them are so well designed and managed that, with some investment often starting from very little, they allow people to build a sizable online business on them.
In most cases, if the user would like to earn more, he or she must take an option to buy a special upgrade of their account. Sometimes there are more than one option to upgrade, like Premium, Diamond, Ultimate, etc., each with their own set of benefits and limits.
Last but not least, if you want to make really big money, you need to bring other people like you to sign under you and make your own team. Once they come into your team, you will earn a fraction on their activities. If you have many referrals in your downline, the numbers in your balance will start to accelerate right before your very eyes, making you very excited. Many PTC sites offer expanded downline structures up to 10 or 12 levels.
Think of the colossal earning potential of such an enormous group of active team members that you might have. It really leaves very little for you to add to make money but, mostly, you have to be active every day to be able to earn your downline commission. Some programs allow you to use a vacation mode if you really need to be away from the computer for a number of days. There are also some programs, Clicksense, that do not require of the user to be active every day to be able to earn from his downline on the previous day. Most PTC's, however, do have this kind of requirement but it is not a serious issue really.
In the Best Paid-To-Click Programs page above, you will find links to the industry's best websites which you might use as a starting on your online cruise towards riches. Just click a banner and register, then make sure you use these programs to you utmost benefit. If you have questions, you may ask them at each site's forum or you can send it to me and I will help you as best as I can. See you there.

This means that the program is earning money for everyone involved:
1. the owner who has the money to fund the website development, maintenance and hosting, and if not to enjoy having a lucrative business, at least earn a very decent living;
2. the advertiser who gets what he needs, i.e. basically the online exposure for his own business lines and, finally,
3. the user who clicks the ads, finds them interesting or not, and gets paid for viewing them.
What the user can receive for seeing an ad is a compromise between:
1. money which the advertiser has to pay for what he expect to get,
2. the site owner's costs and expectations to earn while keeping the site sustainable in time, and
3. the users' acceptance of the earning level per click and their expectations of how much they will earn from the program vs. the time and money investments that they are willing to put in.
Apart from mere clicking for cash, there are many PTC sites providing additional ways of earning money like signup offers, tasks, games of chance, videos, profit shares, surf-bars and so on.
Most of the PTC programs offer ways of multiplying the cash earned on ad clicking. Some of them are so well designed and managed that, with some investment often starting from very little, they allow people to build a sizable online business on them.
In most cases, if the user would like to earn more, he or she must take an option to buy a special upgrade of their account. Sometimes there are more than one option to upgrade, like Premium, Diamond, Ultimate, etc., each with their own set of benefits and limits.
Last but not least, if you want to make really big money, you need to bring other people like you to sign under you and make your own team. Once they come into your team, you will earn a fraction on their activities. If you have many referrals in your downline, the numbers in your balance will start to accelerate right before your very eyes, making you very excited. Many PTC sites offer expanded downline structures up to 10 or 12 levels.
Think of the colossal earning potential of such an enormous group of active team members that you might have. It really leaves very little for you to add to make money but, mostly, you have to be active every day to be able to earn your downline commission. Some programs allow you to use a vacation mode if you really need to be away from the computer for a number of days. There are also some programs, Clicksense, that do not require of the user to be active every day to be able to earn from his downline on the previous day. Most PTC's, however, do have this kind of requirement but it is not a serious issue really.
In the Best Paid-To-Click Programs page above, you will find links to the industry's best websites which you might use as a starting on your online cruise towards riches. Just click a banner and register, then make sure you use these programs to you utmost benefit. If you have questions, you may ask them at each site's forum or you can send it to me and I will help you as best as I can. See you there.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
How to invest your hard earned (or just spare) money and do it safely
Well, there are zillion ways to put your money in what promises to be a sure way to reach the jackpot. Unfortunately, most of them end up being a way to PART with your money with little or nothing in return. Usually, many programs are made either with a hidden intention to scam people or are just badly constructed or poorly managed or both. The result is you lose your money and run out of faith that. Which may be a sobering thing for some hotheads, anyway. I've traveled that path and lost quite a lot of funds but, at the same time, I used a strategy which I had learned in my investment courses (that's where my MBA studies helped me a little), i.e. never to put all your eggs in one basket. To avoid putting all my money at stake, which is all too easy if you're bent on gambling, I looked at many different avenues and built my investment portfolio. In my investment trials, I went to Forex, stocks, Paid-to-Click, HYIP's (nomen omen, as the name says, they are hyped up mostly but there happen to be some jewels among them as well so I wouldn't write them off completely), cash blogging, MLMs, cash advertising and marketing, and many other programs.
Where does this take us? Why am I telling you all this?
Well, first of all, like I said above I did lose on some of the investment venues but I've learned where to invest lots of money to double it, triple it, quadruple it and keep multiplying it as the time goes by. There are such programs, some of them you may be already familiar with, and I would like you to know that they are the ones where you can safely put in whatever funds to want to, play by the rules of each program and just wait until you reap the benefits. So when you know where to go, stop worrying, do what you do in you lives, go about your career, find love, enjoy your lifestyle, care for your family, help others, just live a rewarding life. Your chicken will finally come to roost just where you will have put your eggs. For that you need some first class advise based on experience of someone like me who have probably tested most of the programs and found those that are the most stable, trustworthy, easy to stay with and, paying you unfailingly for many years now. Isn't it a milion $$ piece of advice, especially when you're making your first steps in this tricky world of financial investments. In the next post expect me to present you with these programs one by one with an honest opinion on their merits.

Well, there are zillion ways to put your money in what promises to be a sure way to reach the jackpot. Unfortunately, most of them end up being a way to PART with your money with little or nothing in return. Usually, many programs are made either with a hidden intention to scam people or are just badly constructed or poorly managed or both. The result is you lose your money and run out of faith that. Which may be a sobering thing for some hotheads, anyway. I've traveled that path and lost quite a lot of funds but, at the same time, I used a strategy which I had learned in my investment courses (that's where my MBA studies helped me a little), i.e. never to put all your eggs in one basket. To avoid putting all my money at stake, which is all too easy if you're bent on gambling, I looked at many different avenues and built my investment portfolio. In my investment trials, I went to Forex, stocks, Paid-to-Click, HYIP's (nomen omen, as the name says, they are hyped up mostly but there happen to be some jewels among them as well so I wouldn't write them off completely), cash blogging, MLMs, cash advertising and marketing, and many other programs.
Where does this take us? Why am I telling you all this?
Well, first of all, like I said above I did lose on some of the investment venues but I've learned where to invest lots of money to double it, triple it, quadruple it and keep multiplying it as the time goes by. There are such programs, some of them you may be already familiar with, and I would like you to know that they are the ones where you can safely put in whatever funds to want to, play by the rules of each program and just wait until you reap the benefits. So when you know where to go, stop worrying, do what you do in you lives, go about your career, find love, enjoy your lifestyle, care for your family, help others, just live a rewarding life. Your chicken will finally come to roost just where you will have put your eggs. For that you need some first class advise based on experience of someone like me who have probably tested most of the programs and found those that are the most stable, trustworthy, easy to stay with and, paying you unfailingly for many years now. Isn't it a milion $$ piece of advice, especially when you're making your first steps in this tricky world of financial investments. In the next post expect me to present you with these programs one by one with an honest opinion on their merits.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Proven cash making programs
Dear visitor,
Each program is verified by me personally to be genuine and a long term profit making opportunity. In most of them, I've been a long time user and can tell exactly a good business opportunity from a bad or not so good one. I'll share you my insights and show you working ways to maximize your earning power and keep the risk factor involved in any line of business at a manageable level.
All this will come up in the posts to follow, however. Meanwhile, enjoy what's available to launch and really skyrocket your new business in no time at all!
In order to start making money in the Internet you will need to sign up to one of the payment processors which facilitate the exchange of cash between your bank or credit card company and the businesses that you choose to sign up to:
Create your own account(s) at Payment Processors
Payza (former AlertPay)
Each of these programs provide referral programs that will enable you to earn money on every transaction made by your downline.
There are many more such payment processors out there in the virtual world but these are the most time-tested and, by far, the most popular.
Now that you have created you private accounts with some of these payment processors, you are all set to begin your own rewarding business ventures, some requiring at least a small investment, others totally free but no less promising at a little effort and consistency on your part.
- Step ONE
- Create your account at a payment processor. You will need them to send money from a bank account or credit card. The process is fast and secure but you have to be careful to keep your logins and passwords to yourselves. One of the best tools to manage a large amount of such data can be downloaded at no charge from:
In order to start making money in the Internet you will need to sign up to one of the payment processors which facilitate the exchange of cash between your bank or credit card company and the businesses that you choose to sign up to:
Create your own account(s) at Payment Processors
Payza (former AlertPay)
Each of these programs provide referral programs that will enable you to earn money on every transaction made by your downline.
There are many more such payment processors out there in the virtual world but these are the most time-tested and, by far, the most popular.
Now that you have created you private accounts with some of these payment processors, you are all set to begin your own rewarding business ventures, some requiring at least a small investment, others totally free but no less promising at a little effort and consistency on your part.
There is literally a world of opportunities in money making investment programs available throughout the Internet. You have to decide which of the programs will suit you best. You are welcome to follow my leads below and sign as a referral.
If you do it, I will appreciate if you let me know about it so we can both set out on a journey to the other end of the rainbow ;). If you want my advise or share your opinions, please leave your comment here and/or just send me an email.
In the next posts I will show you where to invest your time and a little money, if any at all, to build a solid and sustainable moneymaking scheme.
In the next posts I will show you where to invest your time and a little money, if any at all, to build a solid and sustainable moneymaking scheme.
Remember, make your first step to your successful investment career by choosing at least one of the payment processors linked above.
Until we talk again,
Sunday, March 18, 2007
My very best income opportunieties
Here I would to introduce you to some of the best income opportunities that are out there in the Internet. These are absolutely the best for everyone with nothing, next to nothing or very little to invest at first. They have worked fine for me, they still do, and they will surely work even better if you decide to to get along and take this path with me. Feel warmly invited.
Today, there is a great number of different money-making programs: autosurfs, HYIPs, PTC, PTR, profit-sharing, long-term investments, MLM, and so on. If you are taking the first steps in this newly discovered business, you are most likely amazed by so many different proposals, all looking very attractive and promising you bags of money in no time. But how to tell a real opportunity from a fake one? Here, I venture to show you where to find the hidden treasure.
Well, I have either tried and pulled out from or benefited full length from quite a few of them. Now I have a lot of information to share with you on any program. Your are most welcome to follow my links and enlist in some of them as they are or will be soon presented in this blog. These are only tried and time-tested programs so you largely do need to worry about their sustainability.
However, if you wish to hear what I have to say about a particular program or get an honest opinion or suggestions on where to go, just send me an email (address found in my profile TaTr). I will do my best to guide you and help you.

Here I would to introduce you to some of the best income opportunities that are out there in the Internet. These are absolutely the best for everyone with nothing, next to nothing or very little to invest at first. They have worked fine for me, they still do, and they will surely work even better if you decide to to get along and take this path with me. Feel warmly invited.
Today, there is a great number of different money-making programs: autosurfs, HYIPs, PTC, PTR, profit-sharing, long-term investments, MLM, and so on. If you are taking the first steps in this newly discovered business, you are most likely amazed by so many different proposals, all looking very attractive and promising you bags of money in no time. But how to tell a real opportunity from a fake one? Here, I venture to show you where to find the hidden treasure.
Well, I have either tried and pulled out from or benefited full length from quite a few of them. Now I have a lot of information to share with you on any program. Your are most welcome to follow my links and enlist in some of them as they are or will be soon presented in this blog. These are only tried and time-tested programs so you largely do need to worry about their sustainability.
However, if you wish to hear what I have to say about a particular program or get an honest opinion or suggestions on where to go, just send me an email (address found in my profile TaTr). I will do my best to guide you and help you.
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